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Agritourism - an opportunity to increase farm profits

Agritourism - an opportunity to increase farm profits

Agritourism is a form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or processing with tourism to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertaining or educating the visitors while generating income for the farm, ranch, or business owner. (National Agricultural Law Center. Agritourism - An Overview

Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2014) has shown that “agritourism has statistically significant and positive effects on farm profitability. Profit impacts are highest among small farms operated by individuals primarily engaged in farming.”

Some components of agritourism are:

  • Recreational facilities like hiking, fishing, boating on a dam, picking own fruit and vegetables for children, horse-riding, animal petting.
  • Direct produce marketing – via farm stall including preserved food products produced on the farm.
  • Tea Garden, restaurant using farm-produced ingredients, like intensively produced vegetables.
  • Educational facilities – guided tours on how farm is run.
  • Farm stays.
  • Events such as conferences and weddings.

Jacqui Taylor, Founder of Agritourism South Africa, states that “The successful Agritourism Farmer is a person who focuses on networking, innovation, marketing, diversification and adding value to his existing farm produce,” and “when the farmer views Agritourism as part of his/her farming business, then success is inevitable. Agritourism on a working farm cannot be separated from the farmer.  He/she is part of the Farm’s Marketing Brand.”

Agritourism South Africa has a website at

The University of Vermont in the USA has produced an excellent publication entitled “A Guide to Successful Agritourism Enterprises” which can be downloaded in pdf format. Do a search on Google, using the title of the publication to download a copy.

Agrisell is pleased to announce that a unique opportunity exists to start an agritourism business on a property we have on tender.  This property can provide not only the tourism potential but a farm on which some existing buildings can be converted into event and accommodation venues. Close proximity to two potential consumer markets and only 1.5 hours drive from Johannesburg,  makes acquiring this property  a viable proposition.  More details on the property can be found at the following website address

27 Feb 2024
Author Eli Goldstein
10 of 200
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