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Versoek 'n Trustee om te be bedank

Versoek 'n Trustee om te be bedank

Category Legal
'n Regsopinie oor 'n versoek om as trustee te bedank
Find your Title Deed

Find your Title Deed

Category Legal
Check your Title Deeds before 25 February!
When does my family trust terminate?

When does my family trust terminate?

Category Legal
A brief look at the topic of family trusts and when they terminate.
UPDATE: Expropriation of land without compensation

UPDATE: Expropriation of land without compensation

Category Legal
An update on the current issue of expropriation without compensation
Register as a credit provider?

Register as a credit provider?

Category Legal
Exercise caution with "pay me the rest later" property deals.


Category Legal
Wat is 'n noulettenheidsondersoek ("Due dilligence")?
When a business is sold what happens to the employees?

When a business is sold what happens to the employees?

Category Legal
Employers who intend selling their businesses as a going concern should take careful note of the provisions of Section 197 of the LRA prior to doing so.
Land appropriation not only option

Land appropriation not only option

Category Legal
Land expropriation without compensation is not the only or major means to achieving just and necessary land reform.
What is a Title Deed?

What is a Title Deed?

Category Legal
A Title Deed is documentary proof of ownership in terms of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937
The bare dominium transfer explained

The bare dominium transfer explained

Category Legal
A summary of the bare dominium transfer
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