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Proper way to give notice on rented property

Category Legal
In summary, at least one month`s written notice must be given by either party.

Verification of water use

Category Legal
The lawfulness of existing water use is determined through the process of verification.

Municipalities cannot hold you liable for old property debt

Category Legal
Judgement brings clarity to a drawn-out conundrum.

Permissible use of water

Category Legal
Often the question arise if a borehole for household or livestock watering purposes in the Karoo (or any other farming region) have to be registered by the Depa

Oordragskoste van huis/plaas in pa se boedel

Category Legal
My ouers is binne gemeenskap getroud. Indien my pa sterf , sal my ma dan oordragkoste moet betaal om die huis / plaas op haar naam alleen te kry? Die huis is op

Residential housing eviction proceedings

Category Legal
In order to evict an unlawful occupier (lessee) from residential property, the procedure in terms of ss 4 and 5 of the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and U

Buying Agricultural Land

Category Legal
Natural persons married in community of property to each other

Beetle Certificate

Category Legal
The Beetle Certificate is, contrary to popular belief, not a legal requirement.


Category Legal
A servitude is a limited right that one has to the use of another person`s property.

Plumbing Certificate

Category Legal
According to Section 14 of the City of Cape Town Water By-Law of 2010, a seller must before transfer of a property submit a certificate from a accredited plumbe
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