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Ken Taytsac
Ken Taytsac
Ken Taytsac
Ken Taytsac
Ken Taytsac

Ken Taytsac

I started out completing my auditing articles with Price Water House and in doing so, worked at hundreds of companies in all industries across South Africa.

Then I moved to the aviation sector and worked offshore in multi-engine helicopter logistics systems for companies such as Anglo American, De Beers Marine, Canadian Helicopter Corporation (CHC) and the United Nations in North-East African warring countries.

I am a licensed nature guide and have worked on many conservation projects, particularly in marine science on tiger and white sharks. Nature is a passion so I still work as a guide.

Throughout my career, I have been buying and selling my own properties and just love its creativity. All of this has strangely prepared me for residential and agricultural property sales. In addition, I love meeting good people and living in the Karoo, a place which has been so kind to me. Thank you AGRISELL for this opportunity.

09 May 2022
Author Agrisell
39 of 201
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