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2 Self-Catering Holiday Properties To Let

Beach holiday
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2 Bedroom Self-Catering Farm in Jongensfontein

Bedrooms  2
Bathrooms  2
Parking Bays  -
"Oom Morris se Huisie" / Jakkalshoek 2 is a 2-bedroom house at the beach on the outskirts of Jongensfontein. It sleeps 6 persons.
6 Bedroom Self-Catering Farm in Jongensfontein
23 Photos Mapped

6 Bedroom Self-Catering Farm in Jongensfontein

Bedrooms  6
Bathrooms  4
Parking Bays  -
Jakkalshoek is just outside of Jongensfontein and at the beach.
Jakkalshoek has 4 bedrooms in the house where 8 can sleep (2 double beds and 4 single beds), a bachelor's apartment where another 5 can sleep, as well as a backpacker's room...
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